3rd part
The school of Lacourt St Pierre produced its Good News journal:
2nd part
Here we are back to Shyorongi and this time we came a little more numerous. Accompanied by Odile and Patrice Goué, Odile Amadou teacher at the school of St Martial,
Dominique Moisy director of the University of Cahors, Dylan Spencer professor of Plastic Art at the college of Labastide St Pierre, Ange and Pierre-Jean. We were able to bring 7 laptops, around thirty dictionaries, books of children's literature, pens, kites, Frisbees, boomerangs for all the workshops that we carried out.
Presentation of the school of St Martial for their correspondents of the school Trust Mountain
Here is the response from Trust Mountain students
Here is the answer of the students of Rusiga corresponding to the school of Lacourt St Pierre
1st part
The twinning project between three schools of Shyorongi and the schools of Lacourt St Pierre, St Martial and Castelsarrasin has just been launched. The first mailing has been done. Smiles, gifts, surprises!!! Everyone was satisfied.